
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Little Nugget!!

We had our first doctor's appointment on September 20, 2010! It seemed like forever until we would get to that day, but we made it!!! The ultrasound tech gave me my first ultrasound and we got to see the baby's home for the next 8 months! Unfortunately she couldn't get a heartbeat, so we have to go back on October 6 to hear the heart beat.
I know it is kind of hard to see the image, but you can see where the arrow is pointing. She told me also that I was more like 5 weeks pregnant than 6 weeks. She told me it was going to be a LONG pregnancy. So once we got there and after we had the ultrasound, we had to go back in the waiting room to wait to see the doctor. Once she FINALLY came in she was sitting there talking to us, looking at the ultrasound picture and asking some questions and we were answering, however I noticed she wasn't really paying much attention to us!! So she got up and said "I need to ask the nurse about something" and left the room. Not knowing what she was refering to me and Chase kinda just looked at each other like "What is wrong"? She came back in the room and said, "I thought I saw TWO sacs on the ultrasound, but the nurse told me it wasn't"!! If you look closely it does look like two and everyone that looks at the picture says "Are there two"?? I guess we will find out more information once we can hear the heart beat in two weeks!! It would be very exciting though if there were two little nuggets in there!!! I am trying not to get my hopes up though! Which brings me to our debate! The doctor we visited yesterday was Dr. Cooley in FWB. We really liked her and her office, however she only delivers at FWB Medical Center and I am not sure that's where I want to deliver because I have heard some horror stories about some deliveries that being said, we have another appointment with a new doctor, Dr. Graham, on October 5. Dr. Graham's office is located in Destin at Sacred Heart Medical Center! This is where I want to deliver!! Another issue is that Dr. Cooley has her own 4D ultrasound machine in her office and I'm not sure if Dr. Graham does!! This probably shouldn't be such a big deal, but I want to feel comfortable and not stress out (like what I'm doing now)!! We will just visit Dr. Graham on October 5 and if we like her we will cancel our appointment on October 6 with Dr. Cooley! I decided I want to take some pictures periodically of myself so we can document my growth! Here is our 5 1/2 week picture!! We will keep you updated and let you know how the next visit goes!! 

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