
Thursday, October 28, 2010

A New Day

I know it has been more than a month since my last post, but things have been crazy and well, I have kind of been avoiding it to be quite honest!! As many of you already know, it is with a sad heart that I tell you that I had a miscarraige and we lost the baby. We were very shocked and sad about the news, however we know that God has a plan for us and that this happened for a reason. There is no doubt in our mind that God will bless us with a baby when the time is right, not only for us, but for him too! We sincerely appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. I know that helped us get through this very hard time in our lives. We had such amazing support from our wonderful family and friends! We love you all so much!!

So, I will try to continue to update the blog more often. I wanted to show everyone the hard work that Chase put into installing our new wood floors. They are absolutely beautiful!! Here are a few pictures of our bedroom and our living room.

We have also been busy getting ready for fall. Our friends Jamie and Alisha had a "Pumpkin Carving Party". All of the neighbors and some of Alisha's other friends brought a pumpkin and well, we carved them! It was a lot of fun! Here are our results!!

We have also kept busy the past month or so keeping up and watching our Auburn Tigers WIN, WIN, WIN!!! We are so excited that Auburn has been having such a great season and playing so good!! It has been so much fun to watch and cheer for them!! War Eagle!!!! So, that is all we have been up to for the most part....Oh, I wanted to share some really cute pictures of our puppies....Sweet Molly, Ace and Max stealing the doggie treats, and Ace sporting some socks!! That's all for now, Happy Halloween everyone and catch you next time!! :) Love, Chase and Kim


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