
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Welcome to the world Colt Evans Davis

Everything has been so crazy since October that November and December seems like a blur! As most of you know, Colt decided that he didn't want to turn "head down" and get ready to come into the world. We did everything we could possibly think to do to try and convince him to flip, including what they call an external cephalic version. An external version is where the doctor attempts to coerce the baby to flip; she does not force it though. Colt, however was not coerced!! So we went ahead with the scheduled c-section! Colt made his debut into this world on November 18, 2011 at 7:58 a.m. He was 8 lbs 10 ozs and 21.5 inches long....a BIG boy!! As upset as I was that I had to have a c-section, I was very thankful for my c-section once it was all said and done. When Colt was born he had low blood sugar levels so the nurses had to keep pricking his heels to test his levels until they were up. Below are a few pictures of Colt from his "Birth Day"!

Of course I had to have his pictures taken in some adorable outfits after he was born! My dad and friend Alisha took some precious pictures of him when he was 1 week are a few below!

Thank you everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers throughout my pregnancy! We have been blessed with a precious baby boy that we adore more than we ever could have imagined!

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