
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby Davis

A LOT has happened since I last blogged! I will try to start from the beginning! As you all know, we really liked our doctor a lot! Dr. Cooley has been my doctor since we moved here, she took care of us during our difficult time last year, when we had a miscarriage, and she has been wonderful during this pregnancy. So we were very shocked and upset when we found out two weeks ago that Dr. Cooley cleaned out her office and moved out of the state over the weekend....without any notice to many of her employees or any of her patients! A friend at work called me and asked if I had heard and I was stunned when she told me. Here is the link to the article that was published in the local newspaper. This is pretty much how everyone found out!!

So needless to say we were on the search for a new doctor! We had visited Dr. Graham at Sacred Heart in Miramar Beach last year and several our friends and friends friends used Dr. Graham and loved her and the entire Sacred Heart experience! So we didn't really have to search too far to decide that we would transfer to her. I explained to them the situation (which they already knew about) and told them that Dr. Cooley wanted to see me 3 weeks from my last appointment instead of 4 weeks due to the Placenta Previa. They squeezed me in on the exact day I was supposed to go back for my 3 week check up! After days and days of trying to get my medical records from Dr. Cooley's office I finally got them 1 day before my scheduled appointment with Dr. Graham! As sad as we were about the entire Dr. Cooley situation, we were eager (and nervous) to visit with Dr. Graham. Once we were at our appointment we really liked the atmosphere and all of the staff!! The ultrasound tech did an anatomy scan on our little boy and everything was perfect!!!! His brain has developed beautifully, he had all of his hands, arms, legs, fingers, toes, kidneys, eyes, lips, ears, etc! She said he looked perfect! I signed up for a weekly update on my pregnancy from and at 19 weeks the "average" baby weighs about 8 ozs! Not our baby though....he weighed 12 ozs at my 18.5 week check up!!!! This is going to be one BIG BOY!! He has weighed more than the "norm" since day 1!!!  He also has some super long legs! He gets that from his daddy!! Dr. Graham also told me that my placenta has moved to where it needs to be (No more Placenta Previa)!! Praise God! She said I wasn't on light duty anymore and I could resume all of my normal activities!!! He was flipping around doing cartwheels! Chase asked me if I drank some caffeine that morning and I told him all I had drank was water!! Here are the pictures from our 18.5 week check up!

Two feet!!
It's still a boy! If you look to the left, you can see
his little butt and his legs coming out towards the right.
Head, Arm and Tummy
Flipping around!

Head and Body

So we decided on our little boys name. He will be known as Colt Evans Davis!! Colt is a favorite of Chase's and Evans is Chase's middle name and several generations of middle names in the Davis family. We finally got a waiting list for daycare and started looking for nursery furniture and bedding! November 25 is getting closer and closer!! Dr. Graham did say "So you are due at Thanksgiving, you want to have the baby before Thanksgiving, right". We just told her that was fine as long as we had him before the Auburn/Alabama game we didn't care!!

Here are a couple of pictures of me last night at 19.3 weeks pregnant and one of me and Chase!! We are 1/2 way there!! YAY! I have finally started to enjoy my pregnancy more! Sometimes I forget that I am pregnant until I look down! I have started to feel him moving around. I don't really feel "kicks", but I feel what I would compare to a wave!! At first, a few weeks ago, it felt more like a small thump, but now I will get "waves" of movement every now and then! I can't wait until Chase can feel him kicking!!

19.3 weeks
Me and Chase

19.3 weeks

My next doctor's appointment is July 29 and I will have my diabetes test that day! Wish me luck! Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers! We are doing great and are so excited to welcome Colt in November!! :)'


Chase and Kim

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for filling me in on how to find this. Isn't our little Colt the cutest?!!! I love the name! His ultrasound pics remind me of his dad's namesake pics...we were praying that our chase didn't take his size from yours but that is one big boy...eating machine! Baby, i am so happy for y'all. I think the name you chose is perfect because that's what i call baby chase's "boy parts" ..always tell him i have to cover his pistol so he doesn't shoot me while i'm changing him and then we have to double check to make sure his pistol is pointed downward and in the holster before that last tab on the diaper. lol You and Chase will be wonderful parents and the kid has no choice but to be a baby hottie...look at his parents. I will keep a check here now as well as fb comments. Tell him that his cousin b. loves him so much already. You guys are about to start the hardest job you will ever love and i couldn't be happier for you. I LOVE YOUR BABY BUMP...and trust in the prayers that all will be well from here on out...and our family gets a brand new angel in november. Take care of you and hug big chase for me...i love all 3 of you so very very much. b.
