
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Boy or Girl!?!??!

Before I tell y'all the answer to the BIG question I will give y'all an update! At my last appointment, Dr. Cooley told me to drink or eat something with a lot of caffeine and sugar so that the baby would be active and we could hopefully see what the gender was! When we got to our appointment the ultrasound tech said that she may not be able to tell the gender, but if she could did we want to know. "YES!!!", we said! So she did her measuring and the baby was moving around so much, like a little jumping bean, I guess it was from the Mountain Dew I drank 30 minutes earlier! It was so amazing and different compared to the last ultrasound we had! There was now an actual physical body and we could really make out all of the features! Amazing is the only word that comes to mind! I could see some movement out of the corner of my eyes and I looked over and Chase was fanning himself! I asked him if he was okay and he said he was just hot! When we got out of the ultrasound room he was dripping sweat!! He said he is blaming the antibiotics he is on!! Once she told us the gender he said he was fine though! Delivery should be interesting! Here are some of our ultrasound pictures!

Head to the right, body to the left and you can see the little feet!

Our baby!

OKAY, OKAY, OKAY......IT'S A BOY!!!! We are so unbelievably excited words can not express!!!
Below are the pictures to confirm! The arrows are pointing to his "boy parts" and the two things spread open are his legs and his butt in the air! So cute!

So when we saw Dr. Cooley at our appointment today she said "It's definitely a boy"! She also told us that I have what they call placenta previa. It is actually quite common and occurs in 1 out of every 200 pregnancies. Basically what she told us is that the placenta is currently covering the cervix. What this means is that if I happen to go into labor and have contractions, the placenta would be delivered first, however it is supposed to be delivered after the baby. So she said that I am not to do any kind of heavy lifting or exercise. Pretty much I need to take it easy. Years ago they would put women on bed rest because of this. Since ultrasounds are so high tech now she said that is not necessary. Best case scenario is that as my uterus grows and as the baby gets bigger the placenta will stretch up and eventually not be covering my cervix any more. Worst case scenario she would deliver the baby early at about 34-36 weeks by c-section. I go back for an ultrasound in 3 weeks and we pray that there has been some growth and movement! The bright side is that I will get an ultrasound and we will get to see our little man at every appointment!!

15 1/2 weeks...starting to show a little! I can see and feel it for sure!

We also received our first little boy gift today from our friends Jamie and Alisha! So cute!

It is starting to feel a little more "real" now that I am beginning to show and now that we know the gender of our little man! I can not wait to start decorating the nursery and getting everything together! First we have to get on a daycare list! AH!
Please continue to pray for our sweet little boy and for a continued healthy pregnancy!


Chase and Kim

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Hearts Apart" Fishing Rodeo

Skyler, Chase and Bryce

Memorial Day weekend we went with some friends to a military family fishing rodeo. The "rodeo" was put on by a military group for families who have deployed spouses. Our friend Lori's husband Den is currently deployed and so is our friend Sharri's husband, Steve...not much longer though, Steve gets to reunite with his family later this week after 15 months of being deployed! So Chase was filling in the role as father figure for Steve and Sharri's son Skyler and for Den and Lori's boys, Bryce and Blake. We had a really great time catching fish and just enjoying the beautiful day! Our "team" caught 13 fish, which was the most, AND we also won first prize for the biggest fish caught...I think he was 12 lbs and 11 ozs?!? We left all the fish unattended, on the stringer, in the water so we could go eat and so that the boys could go get their prize for the biggest fish. Skyler walked back down to the water to check on the fish and they were gone!! Somehow they had squirmed their way loose, but luckily were all still on the stringer a few feet away in the water. Chase hooked the stringer and pulled them back in! Whew! We also saw a BIG snake swimming right at the water where we were fishing!! We had such a great time! I have posted some pictures to share!!

Chase and Skyler fishing
Lori and Me
Lori, Blake and Bryce throwing rocks
Chase helping Bryce reel in a BIG fish

Skyler, Chase, Blake and Bryce