
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Turkey In The Oven...Literally! :)

Well as many or most of you have heard by now, WE ARE EXPECTING!!! I am 9 weeks and we have known for several weeks but only told our parents until we got to hear the heart beat, which we heard last week! The heart beat was the most amazing thing we have ever heard. Our first appointment was at 8 weeks. We were both extremely nervous and anxious going into the doctor's office last week for the ultrasound. However once we got in the ultrasound room and heard the baby's little heart beating so fast we were so excited. It was very overwhelming and we both got teary eyed. We were not fortunate enough to hear a heart beat or even see this much on an ultrasound when we had our miscarriage last year, so this was definitely an unforgettable experience. The heart beat was very strong at 179 beats per minute!!

Our due date is November 25, 2011...also known as the day after Thanksgiving, "Black Friday" and the day before the BIG Auburn/Alabama game! We will keep everyone updated on the pregnancy and baby! At our next appointment, Friday, March 13, I will be 12 weeks...almost out of the first trimester! YAY!! I have had just about every pregnancy "symptom" that is possible! I have been pretty nauseated on a daily basis (and I mean all day), but thank God for Zofran (my nausea medicine)!! Chase has been so helpful and supportive during my pregnancy moods and sickness!

Our 8 week ultrasound pictures are below!!

Words can't express our excitement for this pregnancy! We continue to pray daily for a continued healthy pregnancy and baby. We appreciate everyone's prayers so much during this special time for our family! :)

Chase and Kim