
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all!!!

Well it's that time of the year...the air is cooler and the leaves are changing colors!! We recently went to the Fall Festival in downtown Crestview with our friends Den and Lori and their two adorable kids, Bryce and Blake! We had a great time "people watching". There sure are some entertaining people out there!! We really enjoyed seeing everyone in their Halloween costumes and seeing all the puppies in their's also (pictures to follow). We didn't take our babies because we thought it would be too much of a hassle between three dogs, two kids, and a gazillion people! We were right! So, like I said we went with our friends Den and Lori and their two are their Halloween costumes! Bryce was "Jeter" from the Yankees and Blake was Superman!!! Here are a few pictures...


Then of course we had to dress up our puppies in Halloween costumes and get some cute pictures...Max was a "Doggie Pimp" and a "Police Pup", Molly was "Dogula" and a "Dog Fighter", and Ace was "Cam Newton"! We had fun dressing them up, not that they enjoyed it!

Then on Halloween night, Chase had been talking about wanting to scare the trick-or-treater's some how. We have a really big Oak Tree that has moss hanging from it in our front yard (that is a picture of it below), so Chase threw a rope over one of the limbs, hung the "Scream" mask and costume on a hanger and sat inside one of our guest bedrooms with the other end of the rope. As the trick-or-treater's came up to the house, I would hand out the candy and they would turn around and that Scream costume was hanging right in front of them. It scared most of the kids and some of the adults too!! There was this one little girl that was the highlight of the night. She came up and got her candy, turned around and saw that thing, screamed bloody murder, and ran to the middle of our yard and started crying! It was so hiliarious! We have laughed and laughed about that!! Her parents were standing at the street dying laughing too!! That one reaction was worth it all!!

We hope everyone had a Happy Halloween and has a Happy Thanksgiving! Talk to you soon!!


Chase and Kim